Message from The Premier and Minister |
On behalf of the Victorian Government, we are pleased to welcome the third Indian Film Festival of Melbourne, now a key event on Victoria's cultural calendar.
The Festival is a strong component of our commitment to strengthening Victoria's well-established cultural and economic relationship with India.
Since its inception in 2012, the festival has reached an ever-widening audience and delivered an extensive and colourful program, delighting festival goers and Indian film buffs.
This year's festival promises to be the most exciting yet, with a jam-packed program of film, dance, masterclasses and other interactive events, including the newly established awards program to recognise outstanding members of India's vibrant film industry.
The festival's short film competition will also continue to provide an excellent profile and platform for our up and coming screen practitioners both in India and Australia.
The Victorian Government is extremely proud of the diversity of our multicultural community and recognises the huge part the Indian community plays in Victoria.
As part of our Victoria-India Engagement Strategy, the Victorian Government has led several trade missions to India, reinforcing already strong ties, as well as forming new ones with the Indian business community.
Promotion of the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne has been a central part of these missions, with our government recognising the important part cinema has to play in this relationship.
On behalf of the Victorian Government, we congratulate Mind Blowing Films for once again facilitating an exciting program.
We thank our festival ambassador Vidya Balan, industry guests and Indian cinema legend Amitabh Bachchan who has agreed to open the festival.
So, to our local and international film-lovers and festival-goers alike: enjoy the magic of Indian cinema in our wonderful city and let's have the best festival yet. |
The Hon Dr Denis Napthine MP
Premier of Victoria |
The Hon Louise Asher MP
Minister for Innovation
Minister for Tourism and Major Events
Minister for Employment and Trade |